Thank you, New Jersey Democrats!

Thank you for once again putting your faith in me to be your Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate. It is an honor to be representing New Jersey and to be running for re-election.

A grateful nation

My parents came to New Jersey in search of a freedom they couldn’t find at home — a freedom so many sacrificed for. They raised me to never take that freedom for granted, and I’ve carried that with me ever since.

2007 was a long time ago

When even Republican Senator Marco Rubio agrees that there is “no evidence whatsoever” President Donald Trump’s tax cuts for the rich have helped American workers, you know it’s time for a different approach.

600,000 more voters in New Jersey

Voting rights are under attack in Washington. President Donald Trump has repeatedly made baseless claims of voter fraud and even created a commission with the intent of suppressing the minority vote. While the Trump administration and Republican-led states are working to suppress voter turnout, here

Protect the free and open web

In 2018, a free and open internet is one of our most precious resources. It’s where we communicate, learn, organize, and thrive. That’s why I’m calling on Republicans in the Senate to vote to protect net neutrality on Wednesday — and I’m hoping you’ll stand

My mom is my hero

In 1953, my mother fled Cuba with my brother and sister in search of a better life. For decades here in New Jersey, she worked long hours as a seamstress, keeping my family afloat. While we didn’t have much, many nights she invited others from